Serious Business

Okey dokey, the recent Easter holidays are now a distant memory, and I find myself back in the throws of juggling subjects. I have successfully reached the panic stage of organising my ICT unit plan, so all seems just about right on track!

I delighted in stumbling across Bec’s assignment 2 draft post  it is sensationally organised and has supplied me with the encouragement I needed to perform likewise. I loved Bec’s list of ‘Key Inquiry Questions’ along with Bec’s detailed organisation of her backward planning. I only can hope my own planning will look anywhere near as wonderful.

How do I plan to pull myself out of phase panic and onto my next venture of what I like to refer to as ‘swamped’ (or more affectionately ‘sit in the corner and rock backwards and forwards mode’).

  1. STOP panicking it is a time waster
  2. Seek out exactly what I will be assessing
  3. Backward plan the life out of my unit plan
  4. Google/Facebook/Pinterest is my friend – hunt for resources which make me appear more clever than I actually am.
  5. Pin Bloom’s Taxonomy to my wall and refer to it like a ‘blooming maniac’ (see what I did there)
  6. Start filling in my mud map backward plan with some real content

Blooms ICT

Carrington. A. (n.d).iPadagogy Wheel. Retrieved April 2016 from

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